• Zong-Ling Wu

    National Copper Artist

    National treasure bronze artist Tsunglin Wu takes the serene tone of the gong and turns it into a work of limitless sculpture.

    “Humble Summer Lotus Bronze” by Tsunglin Wu greets guests as they arrive at Volando Urai.

    Lotus leaves, with their vigor and poise as they stand tall and sway in the wind.

    Possessing an ineffable grace that both bewitches and inspires the imaginative spirit.



    Leaves of various shapes and sizes characterize the lotus plants, whose flowers are just beginning to show their buds.

    The twenty-two leaf veins, not all of which are present, reveal the full story of our ever-evolving world and hold the key to an infinite number of possibilities.


    A pure jade with infinite blue, formed without being tainted by the mud, and reflecting the sun to reveal the unique red of the lotus flower; such a creation is reminiscent of Volando.

    On the flip side, this type of artwork represents the joint effort of you and me to perfect the craft of daily living, memorialized in the form of a written pledge that will never be forgotten.

    Isolated in the Wulai forest, a bronze sculptor pounds out his vision, tapping into the beat of artistic harmony, which resembles the rhythm of the shock waves’ natural pulses.

    This soothing pool will once again return to its original tranquil state as the slow and gentle mellow sound continues to shake the sleeping heart.

  • Rui Si

    Payuan Artist who passes on the songs


    The Paiwan singer-artist penetrates the depths of the soul through the power of indigenous spirits.

    An old aboriginal person remarked, “In your singing, there is a devil! It’s like a magnet that draws you in and won’t let go; it sways with the wind and the clouds and the rain, and it haunts your very being.”


    She reflected on her youth, recalling how she took pride in the fact that she was told she didn’t “look like an aborigine.” This is in stark contrast to the Best Vocalist winner at the Golden Melody Awards for Traditional Arts and Music, but it reflects the sentiments of most indigenous people.


    “Clearly, the two cultures are distinct. Among these, which one should I choose to work toward?” Despite her success, she wasn’t motivated to advance in her field. Most notably, when she was pressured to turn her singing into a performance, an endeavor she was not prepared for and out of her control, because singing and dancing for the Paiwan is not a performance, but a way of life. With that, she was disoriented in the city and began to ask, “Who am I?”

2023 07 7

馥蘭朵 烏來2023年師生創作展《輕留》-COPY

Period:2023-07-07 (五) – 2023-09-30 (六)
